Front Yard Landscape Design in Jacksonville Fl
Posted February 9, 2022
Front Yard Landscape Design
This is the original builder landscape package. In the front are juniper parsini. A large “ground cover” juniper typically used in commercial landscape design. The short tree in the front is a river birch the home owner cut down to keep it from hitting the roof. In the back are dwarf azaleas, agapanthus, crape myrtles and podocarpus. The homeowner planted a few white camellias and the Texas sage under the window. We took out all of the plants with the exception of the podocarpus, Texas sage, and the camellias.
Replacing the river birch and the crape myrtle on the corners of the house with Italian cypress. Adding to the white camellias, creating a circle around the Italian cypress on one side of the house and in the smaller bed adding three white camellias behind the Italian cypress. The Camellias bloom in the cold adding color interest to the Front yard landscape design in Jacksonville Fl in winter. To balance the two podocarpus in front, adding one to flank the entrance to the home creating more of an entrance. Blue Daze and Lemon Lime Sedum completing the landscape design. Black mulch completes the new landscape.
We did not replace any sod during the construction of this landscape.
Contact Rowanoak Outdoor landscape company in Jacksonville and St Augustine Fl to schedule your free estimate and create a new landscape design for your home.